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  1. Applicability
    1. The Official Rules and Regulations of Little League, Inc., Williamsport, PA, apply to Sunset Little League.
    2. Sunset Little League local rules require majority Board approval before December for the upcoming season.
    3. Local rules cannot conflict with Official Rules. Any conflicting rule is void but does not impact other local rules.
  1. Eligibility
    1. Player Eligibility by Division:
      1. Senior Division (Ages 15–16): Tryouts may be required.
      2. Junior Division (Ages 13–14): Tryouts may be required.
      3. Intermediate Division (Ages 12–13): Tryouts may be required.
      4. Major Division (Ages 10–12): Tryout required.
      5. Minor Division (Ages 8–11): Tryout required.
      6. Farm Division (Ages 7–9): Age 6 with one year of Tee-Ball may move up. No tryouts.
      7. Tee-Ball Division (Ages 4–6): No tryouts.
    2. Age Waivers:
      1. Age requirements may be adjusted on a case-by-case basis with Board approval.
    3. Special Note:
      1. Little League Regulation IV: League age 12 players may play in the Major Division and can play in the Minor Division under specific cases with a completed form.

III. Manager and Volunteer Eligibility

  1. Required Training and Screening
    1. All managers, coaches, and volunteers must complete background checks and DOJ fingerprinting per California law.
    2. Abuse Awareness Training is mandatory for all managers, coaches, and volunteers.
    3. Concussion and Cardiac Arrest Training is required by California law (Section 124235), with online training available at
  2. Annual Documentation
    1. Each youth athlete and their parent/guardian must sign and return a concussion and sudden cardiac arrest information sheet annually.
  3. Annual Appointment
    1. Managers, coaches, and volunteers are appointed annually by the league president and approved by the Board of Directors.
    2. Prior service does not guarantee reappointment.
    3. If more managers are requested than available teams, a blind vote will be held.
  1. Field Preparation Standards
    1. Home Team Responsibilities (Pre-Game)
      1. Set up bases.
      2. Rake, drag, and water the infield; maintain batter’s box and pitcher’s mound; chalk foul lines and batter’s box.
      3. Set up a pitching machine for Farm Division games.
      4. Take the third base dugout and supply the game ball.
      5. Note: Little League Rule 4.04
    2. Visiting Team Responsibilities (Post-Game)
      1. Drag, rake, and water infield.
      2. Remove bases, insert base plugs, and return all equipment to the storage shed, including pitching machines.
      3. Lock gates around the major field and nearby areas. The last team of the day ensures all gates, including parking lot gates, are locked.
    3. Shared Responsibilities
      1. Each team must clean up its dugout and surrounding area after the game.
      2. When interleaguing at Sunset, the Sunset team is responsible for pre- and post-game field duties.
  1. Game Play Rules
    1. Conduct and Decorum
      1. Only positive and encouraging chatter is allowed. Negative or derogatory comments are prohibited.
      2. Managers, coaches, or players must not use language that reflects negatively on players, umpires, or spectators.
      3. Spectators must not climb fences or insert fingers through fences during play.
      4. Tobacco use and smoking, including e-cigarettes, are prohibited in the playing field, dugouts, stands, snack bar, surrounding grass areas, and parking lot.
    2. Field Rules and Procedures
      1. Teams may have one manager and two coaches in the dugout, except for Farm and Tee Ball divisions, which allow one manager and three coaches.
      2. Play is suspended only when the umpire calls "time." Managers and coaches must wait for “time” to enter the field.
      3. To appeal an umpire call, managers must request time, approach the umpire with a rulebook reference, and wait for the umpire’s decision on a second opinion.
    3. Equipment and Safety Standards
      1. Bat Standards: Bats must meet the USA Baseball Bat standard (USABat).
      2. Protective Gear: Batters must wear helmets, and catchers must wear full protective gear, including a throat guard and athletic cup.
      3. Dugout Safety: No bats are allowed in dugouts; equipment must be kept behind dugout screens. Violations result in two warnings.
      4. Throwing Equipment: Throwing equipment (e.g., helmets, bats) results in a team warning; a second infarction results in ejection.
      5. Fence and Dugout Conduct: Players must not climb fences, insert fingers through them, or leave dugouts except for restroom breaks or water (with umpire notification).
    4. Pitching Rules
      1. Pitching Eligibility: Any player on a team may pitch, except:
        1. Players who have caught four (4) innings in a game are ineligible to pitch that day.
        2. If a player pitched 21 or more pitches after catching, they cannot return to the catcher position.
        3. Pitchers are limited by age as follows:
          1. Ages 6-8: 50 pitches/day
          2. Ages 9-10: 75 pitches/day
          3. Ages 11-12: 85 pitches/day

(iv) Ages 13-16: 95 pitches/day

      1. Rest Requirements: Rest requirements vary by age and pitch count, ensuring safe pitching practices. Pitching rest requirements (by age group):
        1. Ages 14 and under:
  1. 66+ pitches: 4 days rest
  2. 51-65 pitches: 3 days rest
  3. 36-50 pitches: 2 days rest
  4. 21-35 pitches: 1 day rest
  5. 1-20 pitches: No rest required
  1. Ages 15-16:
    1. 76+ pitches: 4 days rest
    2. 61-75 pitches: 3 days rest
    3. 46-60 pitches: 2 days rest
    4. 31-45 pitches: 1 day rest
    5. 1-30 pitches: No rest required
  2. Pitchers may not pitch in more than one game per day in Minor, Major, or Intermediate Divisions, except in Junior and Senior Leagues (with exceptions noted for specific pitch counts).
      1. Warm-Up Protocol:
        1. Pitchers are allowed up to four (4) warm-up pitches, with a one (1) minute warm-up limit.
        2. Coaches may warm up pitchers on or off the field.
    1. Pre-Game and In-Game Responsibilities
      1. Scorekeeping: The home team provides the official scorebook and pitch count sheet, with the official scorekeeper sitting behind home plate. Official Scorebook: The home team must maintain the official scorebook (not just Gamechanger), which is kept in the snackbar along with the pitch count sheet.
      2. Interleague Games: Interleague games also require an official scorebook outside of Gamechanger.
      3. Field Readiness: Games will not start if field conditions are unsafe or equipment is inadequate. Both managers meet with the umpire at home plate to review ground rules.
    2. Player Safety
      1. Safety Partnership: Players, managers, coaches, and volunteers are equal partners in ensuring safety, and all must comply with the League Safety Plan.
      2. Conditions of Play: Surfaces, markings, uniforms, equipment, and weather must be monitored. Any hazards must be addressed before practice or play can resume.

3. Injury Reporting: Injuries related to play must be reported within 48 hours to the League Safety Officer, who will follow League Safety Plan protocols.

  • Volunteer Requirements: All coaches, managers, and volunteers must complete background checks and the Abuse Awareness Program and be fingerprinted per CA law. They must also complete youth concussion and sudden cardiac arrest education.
  • Prohibition of One-on-One Contact: Managers, coaches, and volunteers shall follow Regulation I - The League, Clause 13, prohibiting one-on-one contact with players.
  • Concussion and Cardiac Arrest Information: Per California Law Section 124235, each athlete and parent/guardian must sign a concussion and head injury information sheet and a sudden cardiac arrest information sheet annually.

    1. General Field and Spectator Rules
      1. Spectator Conduct
        1. Managers are responsible for controlling their spectators and players.
        2. If the umpire suspends play due to spectator behavior, a warning is issued to the manager, and a second offense may result in game suspension.
      2. Snack Bar Duty
        1. The home team must provide a background-checked volunteer for the snack bar during each game. Volunteers must check in and out with the board member on duty.
    1. General Rules: Tee-Ball Division
      1. Game Format
        1. No team standings are kept, and games are not scored.
        2. There are no post-season playoffs for the Tee-Ball Division.
        3. Games are limited to three (3) innings or one (1) hour in length.
      2. Player Participation
        1. All players will bat and play on the field each inning.
        2. Only the current batter may hold a bat; there is no “on-deck” batter.
      3. Coach Positioning
        1. A coach from the batting team is positioned at home plate to place the ball on the tee for the batter.
        2. Up to four (4) coaches are allowed on the field with the defensive team.
      4. Field and Positions
        1. There is no coach pitching in Tee-Ball.
        2. The catcher position is not used in this division.

    E. Dugout Personnel

    1. Each Tee-Ball team may have one manager and three coaches present in the dugout (see Section V, B, RULE 1).
  • Safety and Training Requirements
    1. All managers and coaches must complete a background check through Sunset Little League’s approved program.
    2. Completion of Little League International’s mandatory Abuse Awareness Program is required before having contact with players.
    3. Concussion and sudden cardiac arrest awareness training is also required per California law.
    1. General Rules: Farm Division
      1. Game Format
        1. Team standings are not kept, games are not scored, and there are no post-season playoffs.
        2. Games are limited to six (6) innings or one and a half (1.5) hours, unless extended by mutual agreement between managers.
        3. The visiting team is listed first on the schedule; the home team is listed second.
      2. Coaching and Umpiring Responsibilities
        1. Managers and coaches are responsible for umpiring Farm Division games.
        2. Farm Division coaching staff must act as base umpires in at least three

    (3) Minor Division games per season. Failure to report for a scheduled game results in a one (1) game suspension for the team’s manager.

        1. The batting team provides coaches for first base, third base, and one coach in the dugout at all times.
        2. The manager or a coach from the batting team is responsible for operating the pitching machine.
        3. Each team may have up to four (4) coaches in the dugout (see Section V, B, RULE 1).
      1. Safety and Training Requirements
        1. All coaches must complete a background check through Sunset Little League’s approved program, Little League International’s mandatory Abuse Awareness Program, and California-mandated concussion and sudden cardiac arrest awareness training before having any contact with players.
        2. All batters must wear helmets with face masks.
        3. Catchers are required to wear a properly fitted cup and a face mask with a dangling throat guard.
      2. Pitching and Batting Rules

    1. Each batter has a maximum of five (5) pitches. If the fifth pitch results in a foul ball, the batter is entitled to another pitch.

  • If the ball accidentally hits the pitching machine, the play is ruled dead, the batter is awarded first base, and forced runners advance.
  • There are no walks or hit-by-pitch advances.
  • Three (3) strikes result in the batter being out.
  • Bunting and base stealing are not permitted.
  • Fielding and Defensive Play
    1. Each player must play a minimum of three (3) innings or nine (9) defensive outs.
    2. No player may play the same position for more than two (2) innings.
    3. All players must play at least one (1) inning in both infield and outfield positions during the game.
    4. The defensive lineup includes ten (10) players: six (6) infielders (including catcher) and four (4) outfielders.
      1. The four outfielders should be positioned in Left Field, Left Center Field, Right Center Field, and Right Field. There is no “rover” position.
    5. All players bat in a continuous lineup for the entire game.
  • Base Running Rules
    1. Runners may advance one (1) base on an overthrow from the time of the throw.
    2. When the ball is hit into the outfield, each runner may advance up to two

    (2) bases.

        1. Once the ball is thrown to the pitcher on the pitching circle, runners may not advance.
      1. Inning Limits and Scoring
        1. A maximum of five (5) runs or three (3) outs, whichever comes first, concludes any half-inning.
        2. All nine defensive players must be effectively positioned.
      2. Protest Policy
        1. All protests are denied in advance.
    1. General Rules: Minor Division
      1. Game Format
        1. Games are limited to six (6) innings or two (2) hours. No inning may start after the two-hour limit.
        2. In the case of a tie due to time limits or darkness, the game will be completed on the next available make-up day.

    3. If the game is tied after six (6) full innings, play continues if, in the plate umpire's opinion, there is enough time for one (1) more inning. The maximum game time is 2 ¼ hours.

  • All players bat in a continuous lineup throughout the game.
      1. Umpiring and Coaching Responsibilities
        1. Each team is responsible for providing umpires (managers or coaches) as the league does not provide them.
        2. Coaching staff from each team must act as base umpires for a minimum of three (3) Major Division games per season. Failure to report results in a one (1) game suspension for the team’s manager.
      2. Scoring Rules
        1. The maximum number of runs per half-inning is five (5), except for the final inning, where runs are unlimited.
        2. Run Rule:
          1. If one team leads by fifteen (15) runs after three (3) innings, the opposing manager concedes the game.
          2. If one team leads by ten (10) runs at the end of a regulation game, the opposing manager concedes the game.
          3. Note: If the visiting team has a lead of fifteen (15) or ten (10) runs, the home team must still bat in its half of the inning.
      3. Scorekeeping Requirements
        1. The home team is responsible for keeping the official scorebook and pitch count sheet, both stored in the snackbar.
        2. Interleague games must also maintain an official scorebook, separate from Gamechanger, to track player eligibility, All-Star eligibility, and required play.
      4. Pitching Rules
        1. Pitching should be player-pitched.
        2. Players who are league age 12 are ineligible to pitch.
        3. Pitch counts should follow Little League Inc. rules and regulations.
        4. Pitchers are allowed four (4) warm-up pitches, with warm-up time limited to one (1) minute.
        5. Coaches may warm up pitchers on or off the field.
      5. Playing Time and Position Requirements
        1. Each player must play a minimum of two (2) innings or six (6) defensive outs in every game.
        2. If minimum play cannot be met, the affected player starts the next game and must play four (4) consecutive innings with at least two (2) plate appearances.
      6. Base Running Rules
        1. Base runners who fail to slide or avoid a fielder with the ball and ready to tag will be called out.

    2. Any runner initiating intentional or excessive contact, in the umpire’s opinion, will be removed from the game immediately.

  • Head-first slides are not permitted unless returning to a base. A head-first slide results in an automatic out.
      1. End-of-Season Tournament
        1. The Minor Division representative for the Tournament of Champions is determined by a season-end tournament among minor league teams.
        2. Teams will be seeded based on their season records, and the tournament winner will advance to the Tournament of Champions.
        3. The President or Vice President will flip a coin to determine the home team for each tournament game.
    1. General Rules: Major Division
      1. Game Format
        1. Games are limited to six (6) innings.
        2. If a game is called off (e.g., due to darkness) before the final inning is completed, it will resume on the next available make-up day.
        3. If the score is tied after six (6) innings, the game may continue if both team managers and the plate umpire agree that playing conditions (e.g., daylight) allow at least one more inning. Games ending in a tie will resume on the next make-up day.
      2. Umpiring and Coaching Responsibilities
        1. Each team must provide umpires (managers or coaches) since the league does not supply them.
        2. Coaching staff from each team is required to serve as base umpires for at least three (3) Minor Division games per season. Failure to report results in a one (1) game suspension for the team’s manager.
      3. Scoring Rules
        1. Run Rule:
          1. If one team leads by fifteen (15) runs after three (3) innings, the opposing manager concedes the game.
          2. If one team leads by ten (10) runs at the end of a regulation game, the opposing manager concedes the game.
          3. Note: If the visiting team has a lead of fifteen (15) or ten (10) runs, the home team must still bat in its half of the inning.

    b) All players bat in a continuous lineup for the entire season. Each player must have at least one at-bat per game.

      1. Scorekeeping Requirements
        1. The home team is responsible for keeping the official scorebook and pitch count sheet, both stored in the snackbar.

    2. Interleague games must maintain an official scorebook, separate from Gamechanger, for tracking player eligibility, All-Star eligibility, and required play.

      1. Pitching Rules (see Section V, B, RULE 1).
        1. Any player on a team may pitch, except:
        2. Players who have caught four (4) innings in a game are ineligible to pitch that day.
        3. If a player pitched 21 or more pitches after catching, they cannot return to the catcher position.
        4. Pitchers are limited by age as follows:
        5. Ages 11-12: 85 pitches/day
        6. Pitchers may not pitch in more than one game per day in Minor, Major, or Intermediate Divisions, except in Junior and Senior Leagues (with exceptions noted for specific pitch counts).
        7. Pitchers are allowed up to four (4) warm-up pitches, with a one (1) minute warm-up limit.
        8. Coaches may warm up pitchers on or off the field.
      2. Pitch Count Tracking
        1. Each league must designate a scorekeeper or game official as the official pitch count recorder.
        2. Managers are responsible for monitoring pitch counts to ensure they remove pitchers at their limit. The Umpire-in-Chief will be informed when a pitcher reaches their maximum allowable pitches.
      3. Playing Time Requirements
        1. Each player must play at least two (2) innings or six (6) defensive outs in every game.
        2. If minimum play is not met, the affected player starts the next game with a minimum of four (4) consecutive innings and two (2) plate appearances.
      4. Base Running Rules
        1. A base runner who does not slide or attempt to avoid a fielder with the ball ready to tag will be called out.
        2. Any runner who initiates intentional or undue contact, in the umpire's opinion, will be immediately removed from the game.
        3. Head-first slides are only allowed when returning to a base. Violations result in an automatic out.
        4. Continuous Batting Order is used, meaning each player is a "starter" in the lineup. A Courtesy Runner (the last batter out) may be used when there are two outs and the pitcher or catcher is on base.
      5. End-of-Season Tournament
        1. The Major Division representative for the Tournament of Champions will be determined by a double-elimination tournament.

    2. Teams are seeded based on their full-season records, with the tournament winner advancing to the Tournament of Champions.

  • The President or Vice President will flip a coin to determine the home team for each tournament game.

    1. Player Draft Guidelines
      1. Junior Division
        1. Draft Date and Eligibility
          1. Date and Time of Draft: The Junior Division draft must take place within three (3) days after Junior tryouts, if necessary. The exact time and location will be mutually agreed upon by the Player Agent and team managers.
          2. Eligibility:
    1. Players must be registered and of league ages 13 through 14 to be eligible for the Junior Division draft.
    2. Players must attend at least 50% of the tryouts to qualify for the draft.
        1. Draft Attendance
    1. Authorized Attendees: Only managers or their designated representatives may attend the draft.
    2. Additional Attendees: The President, Vice President, and/or Player Agent may attend unless their attendance presents a conflict of interest, as determined by the President or Board of Directors.
        1. Draft Structure
    1. No Property Players: There are no property players in the Junior Division, and all players will be re-drafted each year starting in Little League 2026 Season.
    2. Order of the Draft:
      1. Draft order is determined by lottery.
      2. The draft will proceed in a serpentine order (e.g., 1,2,3,4,5,5,4,3,2,1, etc.) until all players are drafted.
        1. Applicable Junior Rules
    1. All Junior Division rules regarding options, coach appointments, and other special considerations will apply to the draft process.
      1. Intermediate (50/70) Division
        1. Draft Date and Eligibility
          1. Date and Time of Draft: The Intermediate Division draft must take

    place within three (3) days after Intermediate tryouts, if necessary. The exact time and location will be mutually agreed upon by the Player Agent and team managers.

          1. Eligibility:
    1. Players must be registered and of league ages 12 through 13 to be eligible for the Intermediate Division draft.
    2. Players must attend at least 50% of the tryouts to qualify for the draft.
    1. Draft Attendance
      1. Authorized Attendees: Only managers or their designated representatives may attend the draft.
      2. Additional Attendees: The President, Vice President, and/or Player Agent may attend unless their attendance presents a conflict of interest, as determined by the President or Board of Directors.
    2. Draft Structure
      1. No Property Players: There are no property players in the Junior Division, and all players will be re-drafted each year.
      2. Order of the Draft:
        1. Draft order is determined by lottery.
        2. The draft will proceed in a serpentine order (e.g., 1,2,3,4,5,5,4,3,2,1, etc.) until all players are drafted.
    3. Applicable Intermediate Rules
      1. All Intermediate Division rules regarding options, coach appointments, and other special considerations will apply to the draft process.
      1. Major Division
        1. Draft Date and Eligibility
          1. Date and Time of Draft: The Major Division draft will take place within three (3) days after the completion of tryouts, at a mutually agreed time and location by the Player Agent and team managers.
          2. Eligibility:
            1. Players must be registered and of league ages 10 through 12 to be eligible for the Major Division draft.
            2. Players must have attended at least 50% of tryouts to qualify for the draft.
        2. Draft Attendance

    a) Authorized Attendees: Only managers or their designated representatives may attend the draft.

  • Additional Attendees: The President, Vice President, and/or Player Agent may attend unless their attendance presents a conflict of interest as determined by the President or Board of Directors.
  • Draft Structure
    1. Order of Draft: Draft order will follow the reverse order of finish from the previous post-season (i.e., the last-place team selects first, second-to-last team selects second, etc., until the end of each round).
    2. Property Players:
      1. Property players must be registered by draft time, or their team position will be available for drafting.
      2. Returning players who are not registered by draft time will be ineligible to play in the current season.
      3. Players must never be informed of their draft position.
  • Applicable Rules
    1. All Little League rules regarding options, coach appointments, and other considerations apply to the Major Division draft.
  • Minor Division
    1. Draft Date and Eligibility
      1. Date and Time of Draft: The Minor Division draft will take place after the completion of the Major Division draft at a mutually agreed time and place by the Player Agent and team managers.
      2. Eligibility:
        1. Players of league ages 8 through 11 are eligible for the Minor Division draft, subject to pre-approval waivers for special cases.
        2. Late sign-ups require board approval for placement in the appropriate division and team.
    2. Draft Structure
      1. Order of Draft: Draft order is determined by lottery and will follow a serpentine order (e.g., 1,2,3,4,5,5,4,3,2,1) until all players are drafted.
      2. Player Information: Players must never be informed of their draft position.
    3. Minor Waitlist: A waitlist will be maintained for the Minor Division.
  • Applicable Rules
    1. All Little League rules regarding options, coach appointments, and other considerations apply to the Minor Division draft.
  • Options for Sons, Daughters, and Siblings
  • 1. General: An option is an agreement between a manager and the Player Agent covering special conditions. All options must be in writing (except for category "A") and submitted to the Player Agent 48 hours before the draft.

  • Types of Options
    1. Siblings in the Draft: When two or more siblings are in the draft and one sibling is selected, the manager has the option to draft the other sibling in the next turn. If not exercised, the sibling becomes available to any team.
    2. Siblings of Current Team Players: Managers may submit a written option to draft a sibling of a current team player. If approved, the sibling must be drafted within the first three rounds.
    3. Sons/Daughters of Managers: Managers with eligible sons or daughters must submit a written option if they wish to draft them. This option must be exercised by a specific draft round based on the player's age, taking priority over other options.
    4. Sons and Daughters of Coaches: A new coach appointment is deferred until after the draft to prevent selective player choices. Returning coaches may exercise an option if they have coached in the league for at least two years and are returning to the same team.
  • Draft Rounds by Age
    1. If a manager or coach submits an option for their child, that player must be drafted within or before the specified round based on age:


    Draft Round









      1. Special Considerations
        1. Option Waiver: A manager may choose to waive the option for a son or daughter.
        2. League Boundaries: Players are only eligible within the league boundaries that include the manager’s residence, per Little League Inc.
        3. In-Season Vacancy: Players added mid-season due to a vacancy will become permanent team members.

    4. Post-Draft Manager/Coach Claims: Parents of Major Division players who become managers or coaches after selection may not automatically claim their children but may attempt a trade following the guidelines below.

  • Bonus Picks: Managers who need eight or more players before the draft may receive a bonus pick at the end of the fourth round. If multiple managers qualify, the bonus pick order follows the regular draft rotation.
      1. Trades
        1. Trade Window: Trades are permitted until 14 days after the first scheduled game.
        2. Trade Requirements:
          1. Approval: All trades must be processed through the Player Agent and approved by the Board of Directors.
          2. Restrictions:
            1. No trades between Minor and Major Division players.
            2. Only player-for-player trades are allowed; draft-pick trades are prohibited.
          3. Fairness: The Player Agent monitors trades to prevent system manipulation and ensure league balance. All trades must have justifiable reasons and board approval.



    1. Call Ups
      1. Sunset Little League follows a “Move Up or Move Over” policy for mid-season call-ups when a Major or Minor team requires a replacement player due to an injury, drop out, or other reasons.
      2. Call-Up Procedure
        1. Draft Up: If a Major Division team loses a player, the Major team must select a replacement from the Minor Division through a draft. The Minor Division player will be offered the opportunity to move up to the Major team.
        2. Player Refusal:
          1. If the selected Minor player declines to move up, the Major team will select another Minor player as a replacement.
          2. The Minor player who refused the call-up will then be transferred (“moved over”) to replace the player who accepted the move, joining their former Minor team.
          3. In the rare event that the drafted-up Minor player and the refusing Minor player are on the same team, the refusing player will not be eligible for postseason play.
    1. Team Roster Balance

    a) Even Strength Requirement: To maintain fairness, all Major and Minor teams will have equal roster sizes during the season, ensuring no team has an advantage due to differing player counts.

  • Call-Up Restrictions: No call-ups will occur during the final two (2) weeks of the regular season.

    1. Voting Process for All-Star Player Selection
      1. All-Star Teams: Each team consists of a minimum of 11 and a maximum of 14 players, 1 manager, and 2 coaches.
      2. Junior All-Star Team Selection
        1. Single Junior Team: If only one Junior team exists, then that entire team, including the manager and coaches, constitutes the All-Star team.
        2. Multiple Junior Teams:
    1. All Junior players vote for 6 players from a ballot of all eligible Junior Division players.
    2. Junior managers and coaches vote for 10 players from a ballot of eligible Junior players, with each team having an equal number of votes.
    3. The Junior Division All-Star manager has 1-4 additional "Manager’s Picks."
    4. The Sunset Board selects the Junior All-Star manager and coaches.
    1. Intermediate (50/70) All-Star Team Selection
      1. Single Intermediate Team: If only one Intermediate (50/70) team exists, then that entire team, including the manager and coaches, makes up the All-Star team.
      2. Multiple Intermediate Teams:
        1. All Intermediate players vote for 6 players from a ballot of all eligible Intermediate Division players.
        2. Intermediate managers and coaches vote for 10 players from a ballot of eligible Intermediate players, with each team having an equal number of votes.
        3. The Intermediate Division All-Star manager has up to 4 "Manager’s Picks."
        4. The Sunset Board selects the Intermediate All-Star manager and coaches.



    1. 10-12-Year-Old All-Star Team Selection
      1. Player Voting:

    i. Each Major player votes for 4 players from a ballot of all eligible 10-12-year-olds, excluding players from their own team.

  • Players are ranked from 1 (highest pick) to 5. The top 4 players are added first to the All-Star team.
  • Manager and Coach Voting:
    1. Major managers and coaches vote for 6 players from the ballot, excluding players from their own team. Votes are unanimous to place players on the team.
    2. If any 12-year-old players are playing in Intermediates, the Major managers must unanimously vote to place them on the team.
  • Draft Attendees: Only managers or designated representatives, plus the President, Vice President, and/or Player Agent (unless conflicted), may attend the draft.
  • Example Process: Managers vote for players in a structured process to achieve a unanimous or majority consensus for selections, with a secondary pool for players needing additional consideration.
  • Manager Selection and Picks:
    1. The Sunset Board selects the 10-12-year-old All-Star manager by blind vote if multiple candidates qualify.
    2. The All-Star manager has up to 4 Manager’s Picks based on the team size, including 2-3 coach picks as needed.
  • 8-10-Year-Old All-Star Team Selection
    1. Unanimous Selection by Managers: All eligible minor players (8-10) are presented by name and team for a unanimous vote to join the team.
      1. If a player does not receive unanimous votes but gets a majority, they move to a secondary pool for a later vote.
      2. Players receiving unanimous no votes or less than majority votes are eliminated from consideration.
    2. Example Process: Managers vote in rounds, moving players into unanimous, secondary, or eliminated pools until ten players are selected.
    3. Manager Selection and Picks:
      1. After selecting the ten primary players, the Sunset Board chooses the All-Star manager.
      2. The manager has 2 coach picks for a team of 12 and 3 for a team of up to 14 players.
  • 9/10/11-Year-Old All-Star Team Selection
    1. Formation Criteria: The decision to form a 9-11-year-old team is determined by the Sunset Board after consulting with managers and board members.
    2. Selection Process: If created, the 9-11-year-old team follows the same selection process as the 8-10-year-old team, with managers voting on players in their divisions.

    3. Order of Selection: The 9-11-year-old team is selected only after the 8-10 and 10-12-year-old teams are finalized.

    1. Disciplinary Process
      1. Applicable to: Parents, players, coaches, managers, volunteers, umpires, board members, or any other spectators.
        1. Filing a Complaint
          1. Any formal complaint regarding misconduct or issues involving the above parties is documented and submitted to the board for initial review.
          2. The President and Player Agent assess the complaint and determine if it requires further action, including possible referral to the Disciplinary Committee.
        2. Review by Disciplinary Committee
          1. If the complaint is referred to the Disciplinary Committee, the committee reviews the complaint thoroughly and recommends appropriate disciplinary actions.
          2. The Disciplinary Committee reports its decision and recommended actions to the board.
        3. Escalation
          1. If the Disciplinary Committee determines that additional steps are needed beyond initial actions, they will consult Sunset Little League’s Constitution, Article III, Section 5 (a and b) for guidance on further actions and escalation procedures.







    NOTE: The Local Rules were unanimously approved by the Sunset Little League Board of Directors on 12/10/2024.

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    Sunset Little League

    6333 Pacific Avenue, #139
    Stockton, California 95207

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